See the sketches of this year’s Icehotel 2024-2025

Image: Sketches presenting the art suite “Ice Kiln” by Jaeyual Lee, US  & Daeho Lee, Korea & the Main Hall “Quasar” by Wouter Biegelaar from the Netherlands & Viktor Tsarski, Bulgaria

The sketches for this year’s art suites at Icehotel have now been revealed. Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi, the world-renowned hotel made entirely of ice and snow, is celebrating its 35th anniversary this winter with a breathtaking display of artistic creations. The doors to the seasonal part of the hotel open on December 13.

Spend a night with an enormous rhinoceros that’s barged into the wrong room, curl up in a cozy bird’s nest made of ice and snow, get inspired by both Sami and South korean craftsmanship, and be captivated by the floral splendor in a tribute to the primordial mother, Gaia, in the ceremony hall at Icehotel.

See all the sketches of this year’s Icehotel.

Every winter, when the snow settles in Jukkasjärvi, Icehotel is recreated in a new form, with art suites emerging as unique works of ice and snow, which then return to nature as Icehotel melts in the spring. Over the years, Icehotel has been designed by award-winning creators and artists, and this year is no exception, with 194 applicants from 40 countries submitting 114 design concepts to the international design competition. 27 artists from 13 countries were selected to create the season’s art suites, the Main Hall, and the Ceremony Hall in the 35th edition of Icehotel. The winning design entries were chosen by a jury that included stylist Marjolein Vonk, the design duo Nina and Johan Kauppi, Icehotel’s Ice and Design Manager Joakim Enmalm, and jury chair Luca Roncoroni, who is also Creative Director at Icehotel.



Anniversary Year Celebrated with a New Ice Bar

The creation of the seasonal part of the hotel begins as soon as the snow settles in Jukkasjärvi in mid-November. At that time, artists traditionally gather in Jukkasjärvi, 200 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, to collaborate with the construction team, ice production, art support, and a lighting team to design and create the 3,000 square meter seasonal hotel made entirely out of snow and ice.

“I can’t wait to share everything our artists will create this anniversary year. Besides the amazing art at Icehotel, work will soon begin on creating our new ice bar in the year-round open Icehotel 365. If I’m to reveal anything about it, I can say that the ice bar will be created in collaboration with a world-famous Swedish non-artist. That’s all I can say for now, but it’s going to be really exciting to see the result,” says Marie Herrey, CEO of Icehotel.

The seasonal part of Icehotel will open its doors on December 13th, offering visitors a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the ephemeral beauty of this iconic winter destination. Icehotel 365 is open year-round, welcoming guests into a frozen world with art and deluxe suites, and the iconic Icebar 365 days a year.

Icehotel 35: 12 Art Suites, 1 main hall, 1 ceremony hall
Áhku fáhcat
Elisabeth Kristensen, Norway
Whoops Wrong Room!!
AnnaSofia Mååg, Sweden
Zig and Zag
Nicolas Triboulot, France
Laura Marcos, Argentina  & Coralie Quincey, France
Change Through Time
Rob Harding, Uk & Timsam Harding, Spain
Tjåsa Gusfors & Samuel Gusfors, Sweden
Antique Myths
Viacheslav Iemelianenko, Ukraine, Ukraine
Ice Kiln
Jaeyual Lee, US  & Daeho Lee, Korea
Give Us a Kiss
Carl Wellander & Malena Wellander, Sweden
Come Warm Up
Isabelle Gasse & Joelle Gagnon, Canada
Pieke Bergmans & Peter de Wit, the Netherlands
Yesterday´s Tomorrow
Corban Warrington, South Africa
Main Hall
Wouter Biegelaar the Netherlands & Viktor Tsarski, Bulgaria
Ceremony Hall: Gaia’s Bloom
Lisa Lindqvist & Kate Munro, UK


Marjolein Vonk, stylist, NDL
Nina Kauppi, designer, SWE
Johan Kauppi, designer, SWE
Joakim Enmalm, Icehotel Ice and Design Manager, SWE
Luca Roncoroni, Icehotel Creative Director (head of the jury),  IT

114 unique applications
194 artists and designers
40 countries represented spread over 6 continents
27 artists from 13 countries create Icehotel 35



Icehotel opened in 1989 and is besides a hotel also an art exhibition with ever-changing art made out of ice and snow. ICEHOTEL is created in a new guise every winter, made completely from natural ice from the Torne River – one of Sweden’s national rivers and last untouched waters. When the winter season’s hotel has melted back to the river in the spring, a part of the hotel remains so that visitors can experience the ice and snow year-round.


44 warm hotel rooms
30 warm chalets
18 art and design suites made of ice (-5 degrees Celsius/23 F) open year round
36 art suites and ice rooms made of ice (-5 degrees Celsius/23 F) open every winter
1 accessibility adapted art suite made of ice (-5 degrees Celsius/23 F)
3 meeting rooms
1 ceremony hall made from ice and snow (in the winter hotel, open mid December to mid April)
1 movie theater made of ice and snow, open year round
1 exhibition room made from ice and snow
1 icebar
3 restaurants
5 wilderness camps