The Danish design couple Tove and EdvardKindt-Larsen designed from the 30’ies and in the time hereafter a row of ground-breaking furniture, carpets, jewellery and m.m. Edvard Kindt-Larsen was a student of Kaare Klint, but as early as in the 1930 he broke with Klint and his school, as he wanted to develop a more emancipated and modern style, which was not tied to the classicism and English furniture role models.
Kindt-Larsen was levelling with his friend Finn Juhl, and they were the first to develop a type of chairs, which clearly distinguished the leading from the lead. In contradiction to Finn Juhl, Kindt-Larsen’s mode of expres-sion was more moderate and artistically controlled. The Kindt-Larsen couple was for many years in charge of Snedkerlaugets exhibitions, which became the base of the development of Danish furniture design.