Rest Support/Bike Stand
Design Nina Jobs

Fotograf Åsa Liffner, Nola, Paus
Paus is a range which brings a sense of speed and efficiency to the user. A simple, but flexible place to pause for a while in public spaces. The design is made of sand-cast aluminium and is sculpted to make the most comfortable sitting experience, despite its small surface area. Paus is available in three heights suitable for different purposes: high, low and somewhere in between.
Nola Stockholm
Nola Industrier AB, Box 17701, Repslagargatan 15b, 118 93 Stockholm
T: 08-702 1960, F: 08-702 1962,
Nola Malmö
Nola Industrier AB, Skeppsbron 3, 211 20 Malmö
T: 040-17 11 90, F: 040-12 75 45,,