Colours of comfort — Adding three new colours to the Montana palette

”The new colours are three very poetic colours that, each in their way, bring a gentle and encouraging warmth to the room. At the same time, these are colours that you want to want to spend time with; you don’t just finish sensing them.”
Margrethe Odgaard


Colour expert Margrethe Odgaard

3 new colours
This year we are introducing three new poetic colours to the colour palette created in collaboration with colour expert Margrethe Odgaard. Please welcome Ruby, Acacia, and Clay – three gentle and uplifting newcomers that have the power to influence our mood, emotions, and overall well-being.

The three new members bring a gentle, optimistic warmth to the room and blend seamlessly with the rest of the family. They are calm and comforting colours but with a deep and nuanced construction that makes them feel vibrantly alive as they play with the sunlight and change throughout the day.



The transition to new colours – Montana’s colour replenishment guarantee
The three new colours are replacing the two colours Turmeric and Caribe, but fret not, Montana’s ten-year colour replenishment guarantee makes sure that no previous customer is left without the option to add to their purchase in the colour they have once chosen. Learn more about our guarantee at your nearest Montana retailer.